Alter Existing Blocks
Alter a block's build
Here are a few examples of how to alter the builds for any block:
* Implements hook_blocks_build_alter().
function my_module_blocks_build_alter(blocks) {
// Move the logo block to the footer region for authenticated users.
if (dg.currentUser().isAuthenticated()) {
blocks.logo._region = 'footer';
// Add some content before and after the main menu block.
blocks.main_menu._prefix = '<p>$19.95 + shipping</p>';
blocks.main_menu._suffix = dg.render({
_theme: 'item_list',
_items: ['Foo', 'Bar']
Alter a blocks's view
Here are a few examples of how to alter the view (i.e. block content) for any block:
* Implements hook_block_view_alter().
function my_module_block_view_alter(element, block) {
// Inspect the element and block to reveal who and what to alter.
//console.log(block.get('id'), element, block);
switch (block.get('id')) {
// Add a link to the main menu.
case 'main_menu':
dg.l('Map', 'map')
// Make the powered by block's text red and add a custom class to it.
case 'powered_by': = 'color: red;';
// On the hello world page, add a prefix to the title block.
if (dg.router.getRouteKey() == 'example.hello-world' && block.get('id') == 'title') {
element._prefix = '<i class="fa fa-cog"></i>';