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Add submit button to form

Here's a quick example of a submit button that can be used within a buildForm function:

form.actions = {
  _type: 'actions',
  submit: {
    _type: 'submit',
    _value: dg.t('Save')

Submit button behavior

DrupalGap automatically disables a form's submit button when the form is submitted. Upon any validation errors, DrupalGap will re-enable the submit button automatically.

To control the status of a form's submit button, try these helper functions:

Disable submit button

// When you have a Form prototype...

// OR...

// When you have a FormInterface object...

Enable submit button

// When you have a Form prototype...

// OR...

// When you have a FormInterface object...

Manually submit form

var form = dg.loadForm('MyCustomForm');