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To create a custom form in DrupalGap, place code like this in your custom DrupalGap module.

Create a Route to View the Form

my_module.routing = function() {
  var routes = {};

  routes['my_module.say-hello'] = {
    path: '/say-hello',
    defaults: {
      _title: "Say hello",
      _form: 'MyModuleSayHelloForm',

  return routes;

Building the Form

  1. decide on a unique name for our form such as MyModuleSayHelloForm
  2. add the buildForm handler function to specify what elements will be on the form to collect user input
  3. optional, attach a validateForm handler function for any custom validation to the form's input prior to submission
  4. add the submitForm handler functions to decide what happens when the form is submitted

We can add as many Form Elements to the form as we'd like, for example:

dg.createForm('MyModuleSayHelloForm', function() {

    this.buildForm = function(form, formState) {
      return new Promise(function(ok, err) { = {
          _type: 'textfield',
          _title: dg.t('Name'),
          _required: true,
          _title_placeholder: true
        form.actions = {
          _type: 'actions',
          submit: {
            _type: 'submit',
            _value: dg.t('Say hello'),
            _button_type: 'primary'

    this.validateForm = function(form, formState) {
      return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
        var name = formState.getValue('name');
        if (name == 'bob') {
          formState.setErrorByName('name', 'Sorry bob!');

    this.submitForm = function(form, formState) {
      return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
        var msg = 'Hello ' + formState.getValue('name');


Once dg.createForm() is complete, MyModuleSayHelloForm will be available as a global variable for all to use and contain the dg.Form instance. Additionally, dg.createForm() returns the dg.Form instance for convenience.

Form Validation

Since we specified the _required property to be true on our form's textfield above, DrupalGap will automatically validate this form input element. If the user's input is null, the form's submission handler will not be called.

To handle any custom form validation, we can implement the form's validation function. Notice the validateForm function above, this informs DrupalGap to automatically call this function for any additional form validation needs.

Form Submission

To handle our form's submission, we implement the form's submit function. Notice the submitForm function above, this informs DrupalGap to automatically call this function to handle the form's submission.

Viewing the Form

Now when the say-hello page is visited, it will automatically display your form! Visit Navigating Pages to learn more about linking to custom pages.