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Option 1

Using the DrupalGap CLI

The quickest way to create a theme is using the DrupalGap CLI. Try this command to quickly create a directory and file to power the theme:

cd app
./dg create theme foo

Then follow the instructions printed to the terminal screen (see steps 4-6 below).

Options 2

Manually Creating a Theme

1. Create a directory:

First, create a directory to store the theme's files:


2. Create a javascript file

Then create a .js file with a name that matches the name of the directory, for example:


3. Build the theme's regions

In foo.js, make a constructor for the theme (the capitalized Foo is not a typo), and add 3 regions to it:

// The foo theme constructor.
dg.themes.Foo = function() {

  // The theme's regions.
  this.regions = {
    header: { },
    content: { },
    footer: { }

// Extend the DrupalGap Theme prototype.
dg.themes.Foo.prototype = new dg.Theme;
dg.themes.Foo.prototype.constructor = dg.themes.Foo;

4. Load the theme

Open the index.html file, and load the theme's .js file in the <head> like so:

<script src="themes/foo/foo.js"></script>

Be sure it is placed after the drupalgap.js file and any module .js files.

5. Configure the settings.js file

Open up the settings.js file and tell DrupalGap to use this new theme:

// The active theme.
drupalgap.settings.theme = {
  name: 'foo',
  path: 'themes/foo'

6. Add blocks to the regions

Also in the settings.js file, you can then add blocks to the regions: = {
  header: {

    // DrupalGap's administration menu block.
    admin_menu: {
      roles: [
        { target_id: 'administrator', visible: true }

  content: {
    // DrupalGap's page title block.
    title: { },

    // DrupalGap's main content block.
    main: { }

  footer: {

    // The powered by DrupalGap block.
    powered_by: { }


The admin_menu, title, main, and powered_by blocks are all system blocks provided by DrupalGap. You may create your own custom blocks if needed.