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DrupalGap CLI - Command Line Interface

To help automate application development, DrupalGap comes with a command line interface (more commonly referred to as a CLI). With the DrupalGap CLI we can quickly take care of typical development and maintenance tasks.


To utilize the DrupalGap CLI, use your terminal window to make the drupalgap bash script executable:

cd app
chmod +x dg


To use the DrupalGap CLI, open a terminal window and navigate to your mobile app's directory:

cd app

If you get a message saying the CLI is ready, then you are good to go. Try some of the commands below:


Download a module:

./dg dl dg_autocomplete


Enable a module:

./dg en dg_autocomplete


Disable a module:

./dg dis dg_autocomplete


The DrupalGap CLI has the update command to help with updating the SDK, jDrupal and contributed modules.

Backups will be saved in a directory called drupalgap-backups within your home directory if you need to roll back:

cd .drupalgap-backups
ls -la

Update DrupalGap

To update the drupalgap.min.js file, run this command:

./dg up

Update jDrupal

To update the jdrupal.min.js file, run this command:

./dg up jdrupal

Update a Module

To update an individual module, try this:

./dg up dg_autocomplete

Update the CLI

cd app
rm dg && rm -rf scripts/dg
wget -q || curl -O
unzip -q
cp DrupalGap-8.x-1.x/dg .
cp -r DrupalGap-8.x-1.x/scripts/dg scripts/
rm && rm -rf DrupalGap-8.x-1.x

Create Module

Use the create command to quickly create a custom module:

./dg create module my_module


bash: ./dg: Permission denied

Without adding the executable permission mentioned in the CLI Setup, you'll most likely get a permission denied.

dg: command not found

You forgot to place the ./ in front of your command, for example: ./dg up