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This doc describes how to build buttons with DrupalGap.

Button Link

The function is a quick way to create button links.

Here's an example button that when clicked, will go to the app's user login page:

var linkText = dg.t('My Button Link');
var linkPath = 'user/login';
var linkHtml =, linkPath);

Once you have the button's html, you can do whatever you want with it. A simple example is placing the html into the _markup within a render element.

var element = {};

element.my_button_link = {
  _markup: buttonLinkHtml

return element;


Here's an example that creates a simple button. When the button is clicked, it will display a message.

var element = {};

element.my_button = {
  _theme: 'button',
  _value: dg.t('My Button'),
  _attributes: {
    onclick: "dg.alert(dg.t('You clicked me!'));"

return element;

Since creating buttons is such a common task, there's a shortcut to create a button's html by using dg.b():

var buttonHtml = dg.b(dg.t('My button'), {
  _attributes: {
      onclick: "dg.alert(dg.t('You clicked me!'));"

Once you have the html, you can do whatever you want with it. A simple example is placing the html into the _markup within a render element.

element.my_button = {
  _markup: buttonHtml