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With a custom module, we can make changes to any form by implementing hook_form_alter().

Alter a Form Element

For example the code below will modify an input label and add a class to the submit button on the user login form:

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function my_module_form_alter(form, form_state, form_id) {
  return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
    if (form_id == 'UserLoginForm') {

      // Change the label on the user name input. = = dg.t('Account name');

      // Add a custom class name to the submit button.

    else if (form_id == 'SomeOtherForm') {

      // Change the default value on the input. = dg.t('Bar');


Attach a Custom Validate Handler

Sometimes we want to add our own validation logic to a pre-existing form. We can accomplish this by appending a function name to the form's validate array. In the example below, we'll prevent the user joker from logging in.

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function my_module_form_alter(form, form_state, form_id) {
  return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
    switch (form_id) {
      case 'UserLoginForm':

my_module.user_login_form_validate = function(form, form_state) {
  return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
    if (form_state.getValue('name') == 'jerk') {
      form_state.setErrorByName('name', 'No jerks allowed!');

Attach a Custom Submit Handler

Sometimes we want to add our own submission logic to a pre-existing form. We can accomplish this by appending a function name to the form's submit array. In the example below, we'll alert to the user an informative message when they attempt a login.

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
function my_module_form_alter(form, form_state, form_id) {
  return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
    if (form_id == 'UserLoginForm') {

my_module.user_login_form_submit = function(form, form_state) {
  return new Promise(function(ok, err) {
    dg.nodeLoad(1).then(function(node) {

Redirect After a Form Submission

Using the form action property, we can specify which path the app will redirect to after the form's submission. For example, by default when creating a new node, the form is designed to redirect to the newly created node for viewing. If we wanted to alter the redirection path, we can do so like so:

form._action = 'foo';

Adding an Element to a Form
