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By completing this guide, you'll be ready to build a custom application for Drupal 8.

1. Install DrupalGap

First, complete the DrupalGap installation docs.

2. Create a module

Next, create a custom DrupalGap module to power the app:

cd app
./dg create module example

3. Create a route

Next, we'll create a route for the page in the example.js file:

example.routing = function() {
  var routes = {};

  // My example page route.
  routes["example.hello"] = {
    "path": "/hello-world",
    "defaults": {
      "_title": "Hello World",
      "_controller": function() {

        // Page content goes here...


  return routes;

You'll notice the create module command has already provided the routing function for you. You can use it as a starting grounds.

4. Render the page

Next, add this code inside the route's _controller function in the example.js file to render the page:

// Prepare our page's render element.
var element = {};

// Make a greeting for the current user.
var account = dg.currentUser();
var msg = account.isAuthenticated() ?
  dg.t('Hello @name', {
    '@name': account.getAccountName()
  }) : dg.t('Hello World');

// Add the greeting as a message to our element.
element['my_widget'] = {
  _theme: 'message',
  _message: msg

// Send it back to be rendered on the page.
return element;

5. Run the App!

When we navigate to the page, it will say hello to us:

What's next?

You've now got the basic tools to build a custom app for Drupal 8! Next, try spicing up the display of your app with a theme.