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We can pass along query strings to our pages by placing them in our links:

dg.l('Pizza', 'pizza', {
  _query: {
    foo: 'bar'

Then when we click the Pizza link and go to the pizza page, we can access the value of foo anywhere in our code:


Which would then alert the user to bar.

This is a handy feature for dynamically sending/receiving data as you navigate around the app between pages.


dg.goto('pizza', {
  _query: {
    foo: 'bar'


With the destination query string parameter you can easily control where a form will redirect to upon submission. A common example is sending an anonymous user back to the page they were on upon a successful login:

var loginLink = dg.l(dg.t('Login'), 'user/login', {
  _query: {
    destination: dg.arg().join('/')