1. Set up a Drupal 7 Website
To build an application, we first need a Drupal 7 website. For simplicity, we'll want our Drupal 7 website to be available online. This means, we should be able to access the website using the web browser on our mobile device.
Chances are if you are reading this, you already have a Drupal website online (or several). If that is the case, go ahead and jump to step #2. If you are new to Drupal, don't worry, there are plenty of great resources on getting a Drupal 7 website up and running.
2. Enable the DrupalGap Module
For our app to communicate with Drupal, the DrupalGap module needs to be enabled. Refer to the DrupalGap Module Documentation for complete details.
3. Install the DrupalGap SDK
With one click, we can install the SDK.
4. Done!
We're now ready to build an application! When the app loads, it should look something like this:
If you haven't already, we'd recommend completing the Hello World for DrupalGap next.