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How to Upgrade the DrupalGap Module

More information on upgrading Drupal modules is available here.

How to Upgrade the DrupalGap Mobile Application Development Kit

First and foremost, make a backup of all of your code before beginning in case you need to roll backwards to older code.

All custom code should be in the app folder:


This allows DrupalGap to be updated easily. Then we can follow these steps to update to the latest version:

  1. Download the latest release of DrupalGap
  2. Extract DrupalGap into PhoneGap's www directory, so index.html and bin/drupalgap.min.js are overwritten with the new copies
  3. Replace your app/settings.js file with the new app/default.settings.js file
  4. Read to understand what is new (and for developer code changes)
  5. Migrate any changes originally made to your settings.js file back into the new app/settings.js file
  6. Migrate any changes originally made to your index.html file back into the new index.html

That should be it, run your app to have the latest DrupalGap in use!