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Q: How to fix @deprecated notice? (2016-10-13)

A: See the hook_TYPE_tpl_html() example implementations below.

1. Create a directory

Create a directory to store the files and images associated with your theme:


2. Create a theme .js file

Create a .js file to build the custom theme:


3. Build the .js file

Now we can set up our theme, regions and template string functions in the my_theme.js file:

 * Implements DrupalGap's template_info() hook.
function my_theme_info() {

  // Init an empty theme object.
  var theme = {};

  // Set the theme's machine name. = 'my_theme';

  // Init the theme's regions.
  theme.regions = {};

  // Header region.
  theme.regions['header'] = {
    attributes: {
      'data-role': 'header',
      'data-position': 'fixed',
      'data-theme': 'b'

  // Content Region
  theme.regions['content'] = {
    attributes: {
      'data-role': 'content'

  // Footer region.
  theme.regions['footer'] = {
    attributes: {
      'data-role': 'footer',
      'data-position': 'fixed',
      'data-theme': 'b'

  // Return the assembled theme.
  return theme;


 * Implements hook_TYPE_tpl_html().
function my_theme_page_tpl_html() {
  return '<div {:drupalgap_page_attributes:}>' +
            '{:header:}' +
            '{:content:}' +
            '{:footer:}' +

 * Implements hook_TYPE_tpl_html().
function my_theme_node_tpl_html() {
  return '<h2>{:title:}</h2>' +
          '<div>{:content:}</div>' +
          '<div>{:comments:}</div>' +

 * Implements hook_TYPE_tpl_html().
function my_theme_user_profile_tpl_html() {
  return '<h2>{:name:}</h2>' +
          '<div>{:created:}</div>' +
          '<div class="user-picture">{:picture:}</div>' +

In previous versions of DrupalGap, the strings returned by the hook_TYPE_tpl_html() implementations above used to live in files like page.tpl.html, node.tpl.html and user-profile.tpl.html. However, loading one or more of these files from disc each time we navigate to a page can have a noticeable performance degradation on mobile devices. Now we just return those template files as a string with functions in our theme's .js file.

Minimum Required Regions

Please note, DrupalGap expects each theme to implement at a minimum the following three regions (more info:

  • header
  • content
  • footer

4. Add Blocks to the Regions

Add blocks to your theme's regions in the settings.js file:

// The my_theme blocks.
drupalgap.settings.blocks.my_theme = {
  header: {
    title: {},
    main_menu: {}
  content: {
    main: {}
  footer: {
    powered_by: {}

The title, main_menu, main, and powered_by blocks are all system blocks provided by DrupalGap. You may create your own custom blocks if needed.

5. Set active theme

Make DrupalGap aware of your theme by specifying it in the settings.js file:

// Theme
drupalgap.settings.theme = 'my_theme';