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By using a render array, we can take advantage of DrupalGap's built in features for Views.


We can easily render our view using a few different formats:

  • ul
  • ol
  • table
  • unformatted_list (default)
  • grid

Unordered List

Here's an example rendering a view as an unordered list (ul):

Views Unordered List

 * Implements hook_menu().
function my_module_menu() {
  var items = {};
  items['articles'] = {
    title: 'Articles',
    page_callback: 'my_module_articles_page'
  return items;

 * The page callback to display the view.
function my_module_articles_page() {
  try {
    var content = {};
    content['my_articles_list'] = {
      theme: 'view',
      format: 'ul',
      path: 'my-articles', /* the path to the view in Drupal */
      row_callback: 'my_module_articles_list_row',
      empty_callback: 'my_module_articles_list_empty',
      attributes: {
        id: 'my_articles_list_view'
    return content;
  catch (error) { console.log('my_module_articles_page - ' + error); }

 * The row callback to render a single row.
function my_module_articles_list_row(view, row, variables) {
  try {
    return l(t(row.title), 'node/' + row.nid);
  catch (error) { console.log('my_module_articles_list_row - ' + error); }

function my_module_articles_list_empty(view, variables) {

  // This...

  return t('Sorry, no articles were found.');

  // Or...

  var content = {};
  content['msg'] = { markup: t('Sorry, no articles were found.') }
  // content['some-other-widget'] = { /* ... */ }
  return content;


Now if we were to navigate to the articles page in our app, we would see our view rendered as an unordered list, with a pager (if there are enough articles for multiple pages).

Ordered List

To render an ordered list, change the format to ol, for example:

format: 'ol',

Views Ordered List


To render a table, change the format to table, and add some format_attributes (optional), for example:

format: 'table',
format_attributes: {
  border: 1,
  'cellpadding': 10,
  'cellspacing': 10,

Views Table

Note, when using the table format, in your row_callback function, be sure to wrap each column of your row in table data elements, for example:

var html =
  '<td>' + row.nid + '</td>' +
  '<td>' + l(row.title, 'node/' + row.nid) + '</td>';
return html;


To render a jQueryMobile Grid, change the format to grid, and add a columns count (optional), for example:

format: 'grid',
columns: 3

The columns count will default to 2 which is also the minimum, the maximum is 5.

No Results

If there were no results available, then the my_module_articles_page_empty function would be called to render the empty text. You can return a plain html string here, or build a Widget(s) and return it as content.

Row Position

When using a row_callback function, the position of the row is located within the row object. For example, we could do extra stuff for the first and last row if we wanted to:

 * The row callback to render a single row.
function my_module_articles_list_row(view, row, variables) {
  try {
    var html = l(row.title, 'node/' + row.nid);
    // Use plain text for the first and last rows.
    if (row._position == 0 || row._position == view.count - 1) {
      html = row.title;
    return html;
  catch (error) { console.log('my_module_articles_list_row - ' + error); }

Please note, prior to DrupalGap 7.x-1.0-rc3 the position was available here:
